View Full Version : coding needed

12-18-2005, 12:36 AM
I would like a 3.0.x hack that lets you have members on your site sign in... say a user has not been on your site in 30 days... you can sign in the admin cp enter the amount of users you wish to randomly sign in and how long since they been on. The program "loggs" them in but it does not change the actual sign in date. just looks like they have logged in... this would show up on the users profile page and wol.

The reason for this hack is to simulate members on the site to show investors or to give the feel the site is more full.

Paul M
12-18-2005, 03:09 AM
I would think the chances of anyone making new 3.0 hacks are slim and tbh I would not do this even for 3.5 - I dislike forums that cheat in such a manner.

12-18-2005, 11:41 AM
I would think the chances of anyone making new 3.0 hacks are slim and tbh I would not do this even for 3.5 - I dislike forums that cheat in such a manner.

Well each is own a friend asked me for it..... i dont see it as cheating.....its more to encourage other users...............seeing everyone participating they will do the same.............

its just another way to get people to participate