View Full Version : avatar management in admincp

12-17-2005, 08:20 PM
I'd like to know if someone is creating a hack for 3.5.x to allow a better administration of the avatars, cause right now it's a bit nighmarish when you have a huge gallery (8.000 avs). I used this hack wih my old vb : Avatar Hack: Categories & Usergroups (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=24997&page=32&pp=15&highlight=avatar+categories) but now i've a 3.5.0 vb.

I would need a way to:
- delete from a category the avs I have selected or ALL of them (when in admincp/image.php?do=viewimages&imagecategoryid=x)
- know how many users are using an avatar + their names and a link to their profile in the admincp (when in admincp/image.php?do=edit)
- have no name for the avs by default when uploading them cause it's annoying to remove it hundreds times.
- navigate in avs categories when modifying an avatar from a user profil (when in admincp/usertools.php?do=avatar).

Hope someone can solve this please. Thanks.