View Full Version : Tips and Tricks

12-17-2005, 03:56 PM
Okay, so alot of us have hacked the beejesus outta our sites. Adding in a million options and a thousand different ways to do things :)

Even so far as ways to disable or enable options for our users.

A thought occured to me when I was lookin at logicians dynamic forumhome announcements that a good addition for the site would be a box similar to that, that would randomly select a "tip" to display there.

An admincp interface would be needed for admins to add more tips to the database.

But I'm thinking like, how you can disable shoutboxes, or something have made ways where you can disable signatures, or set the shoutbox on the mainpage to not appear etc.

Even to basic thinks like switching editors by clicking the a/a symbol.