View Full Version : Movie Listing / Rental Modification

12-16-2005, 09:11 PM
I will pay for this hack if need be.

This is what I am looking for. A hack that will allow my users to search or scroll through a movie database of all my movies that I have imported in. Have it setup maybe like the forums here so when they click on a Movie it is automatically be at the top with all the info and maybe able to download a trailer. Also have a rental system integrated with the users account so they can check a movie out and under the profile it show what movie they have currently out. Also a previous rented movie listing so after the user has returned the movie they will have a page that shows all the movies that they have seen.

EDITED : (Below Added In)
This is the first request that I have ever made so I am new to the entire pricing plan up I am willing to pay a decent price for the project. I am going to be running vb 3.5.1.

What I am looking for is:

Movie Gallery Listing
* Movie Gallery Listing - A page or many pages of Thumbnail (main movie title picture) and the title of the movie.

* Search Block
- By Movie Title
- By Actor
- By Director

* Select the Movie - You will get like a Forum page of the Movie (kind of like the New Modification page here on these forums).
- Screenshots
- Trailers
- Movie info - What the movie is about
- Directors, actors, Producers
- Running Time of Movie
- MPAA Rating and reason of Rating (G, PG, PG-13 and so on.)
- Movie Version (wide, normal, unrated, SE
- Official Website Links section
- Orignal Price of the Movie and Where you can get it at (link).
- A Overall Rating from users displayed at the top.

* Rating and Comments - I would like a rating system where my users could rate the movie and have a choice to add a comment. This could be using the forums at the bottom with a rating displaying what they rated the movie above there comment.

* 2 CMPS mod, showing Title Picture, Name and Date added or Released
- New Release
- New Added Movies

* Navbar Link with drop down of Search and Main Gallery

* Profile Edit
- Like your Reputation Comments ( have a Movie's that I have rated section)
- Number of Movies Rated by User.

Movie Gallery Rental
* This will be for users that come and borrow movies from me. This section does not have to be installed with the above section but I would like it.

* User has a Borrow button on the Movie Info page with they can select the Movie they want to borrow and a final Checkout page to finalize the process.
On final checkout page.
- A editable number of items to checkout by this user (admin feature)
- Editable return date that user can set.
- Comment section that user can write in if they want too.
- Final checkout will send a pm to a selected user with the option to approve or disapprove (this option could turn on and off)

* Turn in will be handled by a certain usergroup like Admins or Super Mods.

* Users Profile
- Display what movies they have checked out and return date.
- Display what movies they have returned and date checked in.

* Navbar
- Add Checkout button
- Add Movies I have currently out
- Add Movies I have rented before.

Finally a Plugin of some sort to help with the install.

12-21-2005, 05:23 AM
bump I am still interested in having this project done.