View Full Version : Regarding Hack Install/Uninstall system used here at vborg...

12-13-2005, 05:10 PM
I own two vb licenses, however they don't each have the same hacks installed. One has certain hacks, and another has other hacks, while each share some hacks. What I am getting at is that the current method of keeping track of hacks is really great, however it seems to lack the option to identify which hacks are installed on which domains.

I have gotten around this by tracking which forums have which hacks installed in an excel spreadsheet, however it would be nice to have such information tracked within the hack install/uninstall system used here at vborg.

I could imagine that for some people here who have more than two licenses, and many more hacks installed it's even more difficult for them to keep track than for myself.

Maybe in a future version of this system, there could be a way that vborg can list your user licenses and when installing a hack, you can assign the "install" of that hack to 1 or more of your licenses, that way such info could be tracked?

Just an idea :)

12-13-2005, 07:50 PM
We have some plans cooking in the back room related to this request. Won't go into the details yet however. :)

12-13-2005, 08:08 PM
that would be sweet :) i also got a suggestion from another member regarding just having two user accounts here, each one's installs would track each site- only problem with that though is marking forums read differences, among staff and people not knowing two usernames are same, etc... it's an alternative but with the read marking, etc... i think it would just confuse me, lol

12-13-2005, 08:12 PM
As far as thread marking if you log into the acounts at a close frequency there would proabbly be all that hard to keep track of.

Username wise you could just use the same avatar and make your user name Antivirus1. I think most the vb.org addicts ,like myself, would pick up on it.

Oh and you never know unless you try. ;)

12-14-2005, 12:30 AM
I must admit I have the exact same problem, and with something daft like 5 pages of installed mods it's a bit manic trying to figure out what is installed where. I tried using different subscription folders to manage it of sorts but that didn't work as I just ended up with too many folders.