Brent H
12-07-2005, 10:00 PM
/*================================================= =====================*\
|| User Selectable "Maximum Displayed Threads Before Page Split"
|| Author : Brent Hegnauer (TheHeggy)
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.2
|| Released : Dec 08, 2005
|| Time required to install: 2 minutes
|| Difficulty: Easy
\*================================================ ======================*/
This plugin allows you to give your members control over how many threads are displayed on forumdisplay.php (via the Options page in their UserCP). I saw this requested somewhere on this site and figured I'd give it a shot.
Plugins: 1
Custom Profile Fields: 1
1) Create a new Custom Profile Field with the following settings:
/*================================================= =====================*\
Profile Field Type: Single-Selection Radio Buttons
Title: Maximum Displayed Threads
Description: This setting allows you to set how many threads are listed per page.
Options: 20
Set Default: Yes
Display Order: (Doesn't matter!)
Field Required: No
Field Editable By User: Yes
Private Field: No
Field Searchable on Members List: No
Show on Members List: No
Allow user to input their own value for this option: Yes
Max length of allowed user input: 2
Display Size: 2
Regular Expression: [0-9]
Which page displays this option? Options: Thread Viewing
\*================================================ ======================*/
2) Submit and take note of the name of the field it displays... For me it's field5.
3) Upload the plugin.
4) Edit your plugin and change all instances of field5 to whatever yours happens to be.
It's vital that your field ID be correct, otherwise every forumdisplay.php will return MySQL errors!
Enjoy :) If there's any problems, I'll try to help. No guarantees though, as I manage 4 sites and don't have a lot of extra time. You're free to modify and redistribute this as you see fit.
1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Added Marco's code to prevent users from breaking the forumdisplay by putting in a "0".
|| User Selectable "Maximum Displayed Threads Before Page Split"
|| Author : Brent Hegnauer (TheHeggy)
|| Works on : vBulletin 3.5.2
|| Released : Dec 08, 2005
|| Time required to install: 2 minutes
|| Difficulty: Easy
\*================================================ ======================*/
This plugin allows you to give your members control over how many threads are displayed on forumdisplay.php (via the Options page in their UserCP). I saw this requested somewhere on this site and figured I'd give it a shot.
Plugins: 1
Custom Profile Fields: 1
1) Create a new Custom Profile Field with the following settings:
/*================================================= =====================*\
Profile Field Type: Single-Selection Radio Buttons
Title: Maximum Displayed Threads
Description: This setting allows you to set how many threads are listed per page.
Options: 20
Set Default: Yes
Display Order: (Doesn't matter!)
Field Required: No
Field Editable By User: Yes
Private Field: No
Field Searchable on Members List: No
Show on Members List: No
Allow user to input their own value for this option: Yes
Max length of allowed user input: 2
Display Size: 2
Regular Expression: [0-9]
Which page displays this option? Options: Thread Viewing
\*================================================ ======================*/
2) Submit and take note of the name of the field it displays... For me it's field5.
3) Upload the plugin.
4) Edit your plugin and change all instances of field5 to whatever yours happens to be.
It's vital that your field ID be correct, otherwise every forumdisplay.php will return MySQL errors!
Enjoy :) If there's any problems, I'll try to help. No guarantees though, as I manage 4 sites and don't have a lot of extra time. You're free to modify and redistribute this as you see fit.
1.0 - Initial Release
1.1 - Added Marco's code to prevent users from breaking the forumdisplay by putting in a "0".