View Full Version : 3.5.1. Changing default registration member group...

11-26-2005, 06:00 PM
Version: 3.5.1
Brief story:
I have an additional group for the new members, what I want to do is to disable some futures like pm, new topic, sending attachments etc. until they have 50 messages. I created this group as Geyiq Jr. group (the name of my site is geyiq.org) I moved all users who has less than 50 messages to this group. I enabled the promotions and I promote them to Geyiqer group ( whereas geyiqer is my main users group) when they get 50 messages.

The problem:
I couldn't change the primary registration group to geyiq jr. so when they register, their group is the default user group, geyiqer. So I have to move them everyday to geyiq jr. group, but in that case the system does not make any sense, since they still can pm to the girls in the forum until I move.

What I need:
I searched all the admin control panel, but couldn't find anyway to change this main usergroup. Is there any way to do it with a script or something else or what do you suggest for this situation.

(I can change the permitions for both groups and turn them vice versa but I am afraid to make a mistake)

(Hope this is the right place for the topic)

Marco van Herwaarden
11-26-2005, 08:54 PM
First of all, you should have set the Registered Users usergroup to not allow PM's and then move your members with more posts to a new group that does have PM permissions. Changing the registration group is a hell of a job. You should really consider turning things around.

An alternative would be a Promotion (lol more like a degradation) for members with LESS then x posts.