View Full Version : Resolved by:

11-20-2005, 04:19 PM
I am basicaly looking for a resolution tracker much like HP's forums. Users are basicaly given a status based on how many situations they have resolved. I am opening a tech forum and I would like users to grade resolutions, I.E. click a button states that the situation was resolved by a specific user. In turn the user would gain a point, after so many points they get a stutus upgrade, like Knowledgeable, or Expert. As a plus, it would be great if it could be forum based, for instance I would not want an expert in Windows, posting a resolution in the Linux forum, and have the user think he is an expert in Linux, perform the optiuon and find out it fails completly... in other words, the resolver was not an expert in Linux...

Another additive, a system along the line of Expert Excange, where you can purchase points to put towards a tech support issues, i.e I hve a serious problem, I could put up a wager ot 5 to 10 points and the person who answers it gets 10 points to wards one of their own questions (this becomes separate from Expert Raiting)