11-20-2005, 04:22 AM
I was reading this thread at my board. A staff of mine said, "I can ban you from this forum." He's basically referring to the forum catagory. Example if you don't understand.
Annoucement (Catagory)
Main Office (Forum)
Rules (Forum)
FeedBack & Support (Forum)
Test 1 (Forum)
Test 2 (Forum)
Now this is how it's going to be working. You simply ban user from that catagory by entering their User ID number.
Now I ban a user from one catagory, it will look like this
Annoucement (Catagory)
Main Office (Forum)
Rules (Forum)
FeedBack & Support (Forum) (EvilAkuma Ban)
Test 1 (Forum)
Test 2 (Forum)
Our name won't show up on the forum, i'm just giving an example. I think this way, member won't get ban from the forum unless they push it.
Hopefully this is possiple.
Annoucement (Catagory)
Main Office (Forum)
Rules (Forum)
FeedBack & Support (Forum)
Test 1 (Forum)
Test 2 (Forum)
Now this is how it's going to be working. You simply ban user from that catagory by entering their User ID number.
Now I ban a user from one catagory, it will look like this
Annoucement (Catagory)
Main Office (Forum)
Rules (Forum)
FeedBack & Support (Forum) (EvilAkuma Ban)
Test 1 (Forum)
Test 2 (Forum)
Our name won't show up on the forum, i'm just giving an example. I think this way, member won't get ban from the forum unless they push it.
Hopefully this is possiple.