View Full Version : Editable Avatar Similar to what Pogo.com has

11-19-2005, 12:19 PM
My request is for an editable avatar system similar to what is found at pogo.com.

Some sort of points system (its own or an option to use ucash)
A mini mall/store where users can buy clothing, items, backgrounds using those points.
Generic male or femal bodies (artwork)
Choices of heads, hair, clothing, items, and backgrounds (price setable by admin) (artwork required for each new thing)
The ability to change hair color and skin tone for free at any time
The ability to offer limited time only goods for special holidays where the user can only buy them from the shop one week or one month a year

I have attached a few pictures, but I can get more if anyone is interested in taking on this task.

12-29-2005, 06:33 AM
I've wanted this for a long time now.