View Full Version : big changes on profile

11-18-2005, 01:40 PM
I hope I can explain it well in english, is not my languaje ^^U.

I'm the admin of a dolls forum and want to add extra information in the profile. I was searching for the forum but can't found anything like the thing I want.

I want an extra link at CPanel for add dolls profiles. And when you enter here you can add a picture of your doll, description, model... I make some screenshots with photoshop ^^UU, I hope this helps a little:



Is something like costumes list in this forum:

In the add doll option user can fill some doll fields like doll branch, doll name, model, description... and he can upload a picture of his doll. Doll fields can be edited in admin panel like profile fields.
And this doll page should be accesible in members profile.

Something here with I can do this? T_T