View Full Version : Some feedback/ Possible requests

11-14-2005, 04:28 PM
Hack Experience Level

One thing that would be nice to see, if approved, is something to the effect of hack experience levels for hacks offered here (although I know that previous hacks would be too much to make changes to).
What I am suggesting is that when a hack is offered, a level of experience required is also displayed.
For example.

Hack A has a simple plugin and most, if not all, aside from new, admins should be able to implement this without a lot of guesswork. Hack A is a 30 second (at most hack) with no file edits, no guesswork, etc. A really simple hack - given an "Easy," "1," or "Beginner/Novice" label to it.

Hack B has a product with a plugin or two and requires some template changes (or something to the like) and is assigned "Moderate," "2," "Medium," or "Some knowledge is required" label to it.

Hack C requires file edits, going to 3rd party webiste to attain code (for weather, ebay, etc.) or script. Altering several templates, a lot of guesswork, etc. and is assigned "Hard," 3," "Advanced knowledge required," or "Requires knowledge of PHP." (something to that effect)

I think it would help a lot of admins with what they're getting into as this is something I, myself, have run into intially. This would also stem some of the complaints and "I can't get this to work" mentality associated with it. For me, only a small handful of hacks I have not used are due to language associated with the instructions not being clear enough or conflicts with other hacks.

This is something I think would be very beneficial to both coders and consumers. A level of support could also be associated with it as well. Just an idea.

Install/download integration mod

Another item I think might be worthwhile, mainly to those writing and offering hacks here is a username-associate to downloads. Where when the consumer downloads the hack, the Install button is automatically triggered. If the same user downloads again (for updates/whatever), an if condition checks to ensure the user hasn't already downloaded prior to that - if he/she has the Install count would not add another install.
I hope this isn't confusing, but it would help keep more accurate records of who is using what hack, and not necessarily display who downloaded, but a broader percentage - it would also show popularity of a certain hack if more people installed it.

I dunno, it sounds like a good idea to me.

Another addin to this would be that when a member downloads any hack, a notification/question requests that the member choose whether or not that member wishes to subscribe to the thread and/or receive notifications of updates.


I am really quite impressed at vbulletin.org. It is to me like a free candy store where I am a kid with eyes the size of Texas. I sometimes wonder if I spend more time here than my own website. LOL.

I appreciate the work that has gone on here and think the hacks are top-notch. Considering I came from phpNuke and spent hours coding just for a little hack, whereas some hacks take seconds to install that would do the same thing. My site and its members are very thankful for this software (vbulletin and vb.org's hacks) as it has tremendously made a difference, in time as well as appearance. As soon as I get up to speed on learning the code, and with time permitting, I will put on some of my own hacks. I've got a few in mind that I know some members might like. :)
