View Full Version : Cross-reference Plug-in?

11-13-2005, 11:14 PM
We have the ability to "point" a forum to a specific URL.

It would be REALLY USEFUL to be able to also create a THREAD which "points" to a URL, as well.

For example, suppose I have a forum for discussing the Maldivian DingDong bird, which is closely related to the Armenian DingDong bird (which I have a separate forum on.)

It would be very useful to post a THREAD in my Maldevian forum pointing to the Armenian forum and vice-versa. It would also be useful to be able to create a thread in both forum which directs the viewer to an external site where, say, National Geographic has a spectacular webpage on DingDong birds, generally.

This is a tool that has enormous possibilities!

Anyone care to create a plug-in to make this possible???

11-14-2005, 12:35 AM
Hmm, the allow bbcode in stickies thread for 3.0 allowed people to do something like this. I expect it is possible, I don't think it's already made.

If I were you, I'd offer a little $$$ if you really want this.