View Full Version : Collectable Figurine system/game?

11-13-2005, 04:53 PM
I've got a thing for you. This would really rock, and i was thinking if someone could help me out with this.

The idea to a hack is a collecteable figurine game. It should work something like this:

1. You earn money by posting. Maybe by using Ucash or something.

2. With the cash you buy blisterpacks with small pixelcharacters (Images). They should look something like the small characters u can see at: http://www.armyoftrolls.co.uk/. Sort of something like the old video-game characters.

3. In every blisterpack, there's 4-5 characters out of a total of maybe 50 or so. In every blister, there's 3 common, one uncommon and one rare figurine.

4. You divide the characters into editions. One category is an edition, and there could be editions like "space monsters", "Trolls" etc etc.

5. Some figurines will be very rare. They can be given out from the admins as an award or something for something good the user has done.

6. The figurines will be shown off from the profile page or something. Preferably in a "display case" that can be accessed somehow.

I don't know if anyone likes this idea, but i like it. It makes the money system worth using since now u can buy "real things". It makes ppl start working to get a complete collection to show off. Can this be done quite easy? Please PM me and i can tell u more ideas about this if you think u can help me.

11-13-2005, 06:07 PM
I swear there's loads of trophy hacks about

11-13-2005, 06:10 PM
I've got a thing for you. This would really rock, and i was thinking if someone could help me out with this.

The idea to a hack is a collecteable figurine game. It should work something like this:

1. You earn money by posting. Maybe by using Ucash or something.

2. With the cash you buy blisterpacks with small pixelcharacters (Images). They should look something like the small characters u can see at: http://www.armyoftrolls.co.uk/. Sort of something like the old video-game characters.

3. In every blisterpack, there's 4-5 characters out of a total of maybe 50 or so. In every blister, there's 3 common, one uncommon and one rare figurine.

4. You divide the characters into editions. One category is an edition, and there could be editions like "space monsters", "Trolls" etc etc.

5. Some figurines will be very rare. They can be given out from the admins as an award or something for something good the user has done.

6. The figurines will be shown off from the profile page or something. Preferably in a "display case" that can be accessed somehow.

I don't know if anyone likes this idea, but i like it. It makes the money system worth using since now u can buy "real things". It makes ppl start working to get a complete collection to show off. Can this be done quite easy? Please PM me and i can tell u more ideas about this if you think u can help me.

Pretty interesting, kind of like a cards hack but with figurines?

11-13-2005, 06:24 PM
Hmmm... trophy hacks, is that like awards?

Trackpads: Yes, it's almost like a CCG, but with figurines. PPL want something to collect. Thats why we collect card games, figurines, computer games etc, and i thought it would be nice to have something to make good use of cash/point-systems and give my forum users something fun to play with.

11-13-2005, 06:27 PM
Hmmm... trophy hacks, is that like awards?

Trackpads: Yes, it's almost like a CCG, but with figurines. PPL want something to collect. Thats why we collect card games, figurines, computer games etc, and i thought it would be nice to have something to make good use of cash/point-systems and give my forum users something fun to play with.


I agree completely. When I had Ushop on my 3.0 version people could by those ribbons and gifts and they were HUGE hits. I am hoping the shop is redone, then it should be someone what easy to add this.

I would install it.

11-13-2005, 06:34 PM

I agree completely. When I had Ushop on my 3.0 version people could by those ribbons and gifts and they were HUGE hits. I am hoping the shop is redone, then it should be someone what easy to add this.

I would install it.

Well, it shows that people want something to spend their points on, instead of just user titles etc. What if you could do editions of characters that they can collect? Then they will get the feeling that they NEED to collect them. Especially those hard to get rare figurines. If you also add a nice display box that have different designs that you can 'buy' it's even better. Say that instead of the default display box, you might want some sort of "action man" display box with a small landscape, well buy it. I really think the idea could work, and it would be nice if more people would like it. I hope someone would like to help med do this.

11-18-2005, 12:27 AM
Well, it shows that people want something to spend their points on, instead of just user titles etc. What if you could do editions of characters that they can collect? Then they will get the feeling that they NEED to collect them. Especially those hard to get rare figurines. If you also add a nice display box that have different designs that you can 'buy' it's even better. Say that instead of the default display box, you might want some sort of "action man" display box with a small landscape, well buy it. I really think the idea could work, and it would be nice if more people would like it. I hope someone would like to help med do this.

This is a really great idea.

If by some slim chance uShop is ever released, it would be great to be able to create this as a uShop addon provided that uShop contained the ability to trade items.

It would be even cooler if there could be a system where users could sell all figurines in a set back to uShop for a greater sum of money. This would encourage trading / buying of packs.

This would be really fun.