View Full Version : Why is there no right click standard copy and "undo" feature in WYSIWYG?

11-10-2005, 02:31 PM
Why is there no right click copy and "undo" in vbulletin WYSIWYG?

I noticed vbulletin.org has right click, but for my forum, I don't have it, http://biblocality.com/forums

I think this is because vBulletin.org is not using WYSIWYG at the moment.

11-10-2005, 03:04 PM
It depends on the browser you use and the editor you use. WYSIWYG under firefox, if I recall correctly, will not let you do this without making a simple adjustment to your firefox browser. It's a firefox security feature.


11-11-2005, 12:15 AM
Using WYSIWYG. I am using Microsoft Internet Explorer. It is not that I can't right click, but that there is no copy button when right clicking. There is a paste button.

What can I do to fix this?

11-11-2005, 02:02 AM
It depends on the browser you use and the editor you use. WYSIWYG under firefox, if I recall correctly, will not let you do this without making a simple adjustment to your firefox browser. It's a firefox security feature.


No the same aplies to WYSIWYG editor in IE as well, so it is not just a fire Fox Thing. this also aplied to Avant broswer, which is mostly IE based, as well. I to would like to see a fix for this.

11-11-2005, 09:04 AM
i just test and work fine .. i use IE 6

11-11-2005, 04:51 PM
Okie, are you right clicking to copy or right clicking to paste? The right click to paste works, not the right click to copy. And make sure you are testing this in WYSIWYG.

Also, why is there no undo button when right clicking in WYSIWYG?