View Full Version : Can you please move the pagnav below the hack first post?

11-10-2005, 07:10 AM

Take that hack for example. The pagenav is above the hack details... well look how long the details are on that hack.

I have to scroll down a ton just to get to the second post... now if i want to go back up after I see the second page and hit the second page I have to scroll all the way back up top.

Anyone else find this annoying :)

Or make two pagenavs at the top... one where it is now and the new one above the second post (or first actual user response)

Marco van Herwaarden
11-10-2005, 08:28 AM
No need to scroll at all, just hit <Home> or <End> on your keyboard and you are there. We had the pagenav under the first post some time back, but it was changed a few month ago after requests from members.