View Full Version : This may have been asked for but here goes...

02-28-2001, 06:22 AM
Can someone please make a way for me as an admin or mod view all the users who access to the forum?

Like when viewing the forum I can then click a link that only shows for admins that shows all that have access.


03-09-2001, 09:46 PM
Is this a bad idea? or do people not really care who has access to forums.

Idea behind this is incase you screwed up permissions somewhere you'd be able to catch it.

Right now they could view a forum you don't wish them to and as long as they don't post you'd never know.

03-09-2001, 09:49 PM
My personal opinion is that going through the user list would be easier than have a large list of users off the forum.

03-09-2001, 09:51 PM
Down near the bottom where it says Sticky
you just have a link that says userlist.

Then it pops a small window up that lists all the users.