View Full Version : So quick to close

11-06-2005, 08:49 PM
I find it very tiring when a thread is closed simply because the topic matter is touchy. I am apeaking of the thread dealing with the closing of a board in Turkey based vague allegations of licence violations.

I have long been a supporter of vbulletin and had always thought their staff to both fair and professional. Threads are usually closed when they cotain flame or inapproriate material for a forum. This is a Feedback forum. Not all Feedback is going to be rosy and chipper. Closing topics because you do not care for the subject matter and nothing else is personal censorship by a mod.

11-06-2005, 09:05 PM
erm nope

license questions and such things do not belong to vbulletin.org

this is a board about modifiing vbulletin, not to handle discussions about license violations.
vbulletin.com is the place were such discussions have their place, but not on vbulletin.org that's the reason why the thread is closed

btw moving your thread to the right forum...

11-06-2005, 09:18 PM
ok, I can see your point, but the thread should have been closed from the outset and not when it became unpretty.

Chris M
11-06-2005, 09:33 PM
The thread was closed as soon as a moderator got the oppurtunity to :)


11-07-2005, 03:46 PM

unfortunatelly it's notpossible to see every thread immediatelly when it's posted.