View Full Version : Bannishing the 200 Ok

11-05-2005, 06:05 PM
Could I request that a modification be made to get rid of the 200 Ok headers such as this http://www.ff-net.org/showthread.php?t=451. And permenantly replace them with an auto redirect?

I know there is an option to turn this off after you post a thread in the Vb admin CP, but you get these headers with many other things. For instance I have just installed VbSEO, the thread you see in the link posted above is the link to the old thread, the new one is located at http://www.ff-net.org/the-big-screen/451-final-fantasy-7-advent-children.html.

Is there any way to scrap the header and just get it to auto redirect?

Thanks in advance,


11-05-2005, 09:50 PM
I would go ask VbSeo how to do that.