View Full Version : Preferred Merchants (Category Banners)

11-05-2005, 12:16 AM
<a href="http://www.600rr.net/vb/index.php?" target="_blank">http://www.600rr.net/vb/index.php?</a>

Hello just wanted to ask I have spent a couple days searching but nothing found like the above link. If you scroll down you will see Preferred Merchants forum and categories with standard size banners I would like to also do this on my forum if anyone would be so kind and to point me in the right direction it would be very appreciated.


PS: Not sure if I posted this in the right place or if I broke the rules asking ?

Figured out how to do it by just adding

Name You Want<img src="" width="468" height="60">

In the tittle of the category