View Full Version : Remove reputation from threads?

Sal Collaziano
11-04-2005, 09:21 PM
If I wanted to remove the bars that display in threads - meaning I'd only really use reputation for admins to see how members are rated - how would I go about doing that?

11-05-2005, 12:04 AM
Delete the lines to do with reputation in the post bit template, or surround them with "if admin code /if" code.

Sal Collaziano
11-05-2005, 12:02 PM
Thank you.. Okay. One more question.. How about in the user control panel? Where might I find the code to delete it from there?

Thank you!

11-05-2005, 05:01 PM
Look in the USERCP template for the code to do with showing reputation comments and remove or optionalise them.