View Full Version : left/right/center images on seperated catagories?

11-04-2005, 12:18 PM
Hey there people of the vb.org community!

I've been trying to get a way of splitting my catagories using Jack Bunce's method (located here : http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=156783), to include images like former releases on older VBs.

I cannot find any examples (since VBT and VB.org merged, i aint had time to look for old content) however, Im sure a lot of you will know what im talking about.

If i remember correctly, there was a image for Left Top, Top Center (which was looped), Top Right, and Bottom left, Bottom Center (which was again, looped) and Bottom Right.

If you guys could sort this out for 3.5.1, i'd be most appreciative!


[ NOTE : If Jack Bunces method isn't the easiest / best way to do this, then please DO craete your own. Thanks again ]

11-06-2005, 11:30 AM
pretty please? It was SO useful in older versions of VB...

I've spent the weekend trying to do the job myself, but my knwledge of vb code and PHP just isn't up to it.
